Branding & Web Design

Modern Brand Design

A comprehensive approach & minimal aesthetic

Featured Projects

Doula & Co

Saint & Company

Hygge Habit

Pricing & Process

Custom Branding

Get Started


Hey there! I’m Emily Day!

The friendly face behind the screen, dog lover, sparkling water enthusiast, and your creative comrade.

From our first meeting to your final files, my goal and passion is to create confidence for you in your brand.

Working with business owners is the sweet spot for Good Day Design Co. I love hearing your successes and stresses and taking on a role in your business to free you up to do the things that matter most.

Are you a Good Fit for Good Day?

Does this sound like you?

You value
Design expertise.

You understand how professional branding can propel your company forward and you're ready to use your design as a means to attract your ideal customers and convert interested, potential clients to sales.

AND you’re ready to hand over the reins to a professional and let them take charge.

You trust
the process

You are not only prepared - but excited! - to dive deep into the details of your company, your values, and your vision.

You’re committed to investing your time to be an active part of the process in order to achieve the strongest outcome possible.

you’re Ready to
love your brand

Perhaps most importantly, you are ready to feel AMAZING & CONFIDENT!

I get it - your brand is an extension of you!

It’s time to usher in a confidence in your brand that you never knew you could have - and probably didn’t even know you were missing.

What Clients are Saying

Less than in love with your brand?

You deserve to be head over heels.

Make it a Good Day for your inbox!